Monday 23 May 2011


Greek mythology is the body of myths and legends belonging to the ancient Greeks concerning their gods and heroes, the nature of the world, and the origins and significance of their own cult and ritual practices. They were a part of religion in ancient Greece. Modern scholars refer to the myths and study them in an attempt to throw light on the religious and political institutions of Ancient Greece, its civilization, and to gain understanding of the nature of myth-making itself.

1- What is mythology?
2- Name the gods and godesses of the Olimpo.
3- Tell us about Hades, Atenea and Poseidon.
4- Which is Dionisios's story?
5- Where did they live?
6- What do greek gods have to do with trojan war?


Tell us a conclusion of what you have learned.

Tuesday 10 May 2011


A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented activity in which some or all of the information that learners interact with comes from resources on the internet, optionally supplemented with videoconferencing. There are at least two levels of WebQuests that should be distinguished from one another.

the six building blocks of a WebQuest are:

* The Introduction orients students and captures their interest.
* The Task describes the activity's end product.
* The Process explains strategies students should use to complete the task.
* The Resources are the Web sites students will use to complete the task.
* The Evaluation measures the results of the activity.
* The Conclusion sums up the activity and encourages students to reflect on its process and results.

Thursday 28 April 2011

1) Open the following link and open the file Mr Roboto.
2) Once you have the file opened, click on the blue link Mr Roboto to open the video in a new window.
3) Listen to the song and fill in the blanks.

Mr Roboto Gap Filling Exercise


a) Which band sang this song and in which year? . Google it.
b) The song starts with these words:  Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto Mata ah-oo  hima de,
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto Himitsu wo shiri tai,

Visit this link and find out the meaning:
What does it mean?

c)  What was the name of the album which contains the song?

d) Who is Kilroy? Find info by searching the web!!

e) Somewhere in the song the lyrics mention the word MODREN and that's not a mistake for "modern" Go to
MODREN and find what this word means.

5) Now, let's play for a while. You are going to create a Robot. Enter any of the links below!!

This is mine!! 

 By Analia

Monday 11 April 2011

By Lucia Casenave

I think that it´s true the fact that we are becoming dependent on computers. Technology is getting stronger little by little, we use computers everywhere, they are part of our daily life, our jobs, our entertainment and communication. I think there are no more uses that people can give to the computers, and i can´t imagine also the world without computers. For example, teenagers are really dependent from computers, with the social nets and everything, that is not a benefit, because they pass many time in front of the computers, and in many cases they prefer it instead of studying. Otherwise, i think it´s really useful and it has many benefits , in hospitals, jobs, and everything, nowadays with only one click you can do many things

Thursday 24 March 2011

By Laura Curbelo

It’s truth the new generation is used to this kind of technology. I think that if now, in the present we used computers for hospitals, crime detection, etc; in the future every children in every school of the country, will have a computer for their own. May be in a few years the technology will have an improve and computers became obsolete, the same with mobiles.
I think this is a very good thing because, for example today many children don’t have many resources to look for information. In the future I think that this might improve a lot.  May be for some children, this is the last thing that matters, some of them will prefer to play, chat or see videos instated of looking something for school. This could be a problem for the children but is something that they do to their self, they can chose if they want to use the computers for some fun, or use for something that they might use for the school, to get a good grade. The problem nowadays in the aspect of children, and the way they learn is that many of them want to study, but they can’t, of course are children that don’t care he study. I think in the future all the people would have the tools to choose whether use the opportunity or not. It could be something good or bad, it depends of the way you use it, and the thing, that the person wants to do with it.

Thursday 17 March 2011


Is the study of manipulating matter on an atomic and molecular scale. Generally, nanotechnology deals with structures sized between 1 to 100 nanometre in at least one dimension, and involves developing materials or devices within that size. Quantum mechanical effects are very important at this scale, which is in the quantum realm.
What is it use for?
Nanotechnology controls matter on an atomic level, modifying its effects to achieve desired results. Its uses are therefore extremely numerous.
Any substance in existence can be broken into molecules and tampered with in order to give it different properties and abilities.
The universality of nanotechnology means that it is being applied to almost every facet of modern life. Miraculous effects can be achieved by engineering nanoparticles; for example, researchers have already developed wool and silk that can clean themselves because their altered particles “eat” stains.
Self-cleaning household products are also being developed. The time is not far distant when you’ll be able to spray a nano-chemical onto the grime in your kitchen and watch it disappear and practically never come back, since many nano-chemicals also prevent grime from accumulating

Love the way you lie