Thursday 28 April 2011

1) Open the following link and open the file Mr Roboto.
2) Once you have the file opened, click on the blue link Mr Roboto to open the video in a new window.
3) Listen to the song and fill in the blanks.

Mr Roboto Gap Filling Exercise


a) Which band sang this song and in which year? . Google it.
b) The song starts with these words:  Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto Mata ah-oo  hima de,
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto Himitsu wo shiri tai,

Visit this link and find out the meaning:
What does it mean?

c)  What was the name of the album which contains the song?

d) Who is Kilroy? Find info by searching the web!!

e) Somewhere in the song the lyrics mention the word MODREN and that's not a mistake for "modern" Go to
MODREN and find what this word means.

5) Now, let's play for a while. You are going to create a Robot. Enter any of the links below!!

This is mine!! 

 By Analia

Monday 11 April 2011

By Lucia Casenave

I think that it´s true the fact that we are becoming dependent on computers. Technology is getting stronger little by little, we use computers everywhere, they are part of our daily life, our jobs, our entertainment and communication. I think there are no more uses that people can give to the computers, and i can´t imagine also the world without computers. For example, teenagers are really dependent from computers, with the social nets and everything, that is not a benefit, because they pass many time in front of the computers, and in many cases they prefer it instead of studying. Otherwise, i think it´s really useful and it has many benefits , in hospitals, jobs, and everything, nowadays with only one click you can do many things